How to Find Us
Salem Orthopaedic Surgery

We are Located at:

Located on the Hospital's First Floor
1995 East State Street in Salem, OH 44460

Located on the Hospital's First Floor
1995 East State Street in Salem, OH 44460
Directions (See Parking Info. Below)From the North: Follow Route 11 South to the Columbiana exit Turn left onto State Route 46 and follow into Columbiana At the traffic light, turn right onto State Route 14 Follow State Route 14 West approximately 8 miles to Salem Upon entering Salem, Salem Regional Medical Center (SRMC) will be less than 1 mile ahead on the left Salem Orthopaedic Surgery is located on SRMC's first floor, in The Orthopaedic Bone & Joint Center From the South: Follow State Route 45 North to Salem Once in Salem, State Route 45 will be called South Lincoln Avenue Follow S. Lincoln Ave. to the State Street intersection and turn right onto State Street Follow State Street 1 mile, and Salem Regional Medical Center (SRMC) will be on the right Salem Orthopaedic Surgery is located on SRMC's first floor, in The Orthopaedic Bone & Joint Center From the East: Follow State Route 14 West to Salem Upon entering Salem, Salem Regional Medical Center (SRMC) will be less than 1 mile ahead on the left Salem Orthopaedic Surgery is located on SRMC's first floor, in The Orthopaedic Bone & Joint Center From the West: Follow State Route 62 East to Salem Upon entering Salem, State Route 62 becomes State Street Follow State Street East through Salem, approximately 3 miles Salem Regional Medical Center (SRMC) will be on the right Salem Orthopaedic Surgery is located on SRMC's first floor, in The Orthopaedic Bone & Joint Center ParkingParking Deck Free patient parking is available in SRMC's parking deck. Two separate levels of parking in the deck are accessible from either the hospital's Pershing Street or East State Street entrances. Additional Parking Additional free parking is located across the street from SRMC in the north lots by the Salem Medical Arts building and the SRMC Professional Services Building (also known as Salem Medical Center). People parking in these lots should enter the ground floor entrance of the SRMC Professional Services Building and use the elevated walkway to cross East State Street. To access The Orthopaedic Bone & Joint Center, take the glass elevator located at the end of the walkway to the first floor. Handicapped Parking In addition to handicapped parking available in SRMC's parking deck and north lots, a limited number of handicapped spaces are located near the hospital's main entrance. |